Jersey City Council OKs 4 Dispensary Resolutions, Including 1 for Council Prez Daughter

Jersey City Cannabis dispensaries Cannabis Place 420 Uforia Downtown Flwr Butler & Baldwin approved

The Jersey City Council approved four adult-use cannabis dispensaries’ resolutions. That included one owned by City Council President Joyce Watterman’s daughter, who did not abstain on the resolution.

The Jersey City Planning Board had previously approved the adult-use cannabis dispensaries. They were also OKed by the Jersey City Cannabis Control Board (CCB).

The last step of the local approval process for a New Jersey adult-use cannabis dispensary is a resolution from the City Council.

Uforia, Jersey Leaf, Butler and Baldwin, and Decades Dispensary were the cannabis dispensaries approved by the Jersey City Council.

Approving Dispensaries

Two were taken off the Council’s agenda. The adult-use cannabis dispensaries that were approved were discussed during the Monday Jersey City Council Caucus meeting. They also discussed with removing Cannabis Place 420 and OCeanfront Holdings (or Downtown Flwr) from the agenda. Initially, there was a question of the paperwork for Cannabis Place.

“This one should be pulled. Somebody told me there’s a lawsuit going on with them,” Ward C Councilman Rich Boggiano said about Oceanfront Holdings/Downtown Flwr.

“I have a concern about Oceanfront. They’re in my ward. They never reached out to me. I’d certainly love to talk to them before we vote on them,” Ward E Councilman James Solomon said.

OKing Uforia, Butler & Baldwin, and Others

UFCW union leader Hugh Giordano endorsed Uforia, Oceanfront Holdings, and Butler and Baldwin (owned by Watterman’s daughter) for their resolutions during the Wednesday Jersey City Council meeting. They all signed Labor Peace Agreements (LPAs) whereby the companies pledge not to interfere if their workers seek to organize a labor union.

At Large Councilman Daniel Rivera was the only council member to vote against the withdrawal of Cannabis Place Corp. It happened during the Council meeting along with Oceanfront Holdings. Watterman made the motion the withdraw them, which was seconded and passed.

Residency Concerns

“It was brought to our attention that the person who applied with this application didn’t live in the State of New Jersey. All right, that was what was brought to us,” Watterman said.

She noted a letter from those opposed to its opening was sent to her pointing this out. The application did indeed have a lot of local opposition during the CCB meeting.

“When the community comes to the CCB and complains, they should investigate it. This is why this is being tabled. I want that on the record,” Watterman said.

Being a resident of New Jersey is not a requirement to open an adult-use cannabis dispensary within the State. Many longtime cannabis advocates are afraid of the adult-use cannabis industry being dominated by those from out of state. Then it would be like the New Jersey medical cannabis industry. There are only two of the 12 companies with open dispensaries are owned by New Jerseyans. However, they are primarily wary of corporations with several locations.

This would be the first cannabis dispensary Pennsylvania-based owner Osbert Orduna owned.

The Cannabis Place was set to open at 1542 John F. Kennedy Boulevard. It is a four-minute drive and a 20-minute walk from Butler and Baldwin. It is set to open at 75 Martin Luther King Drive in Jersey City.

The vote approving the three dispensaries passed 8-0 with Ward C Councilman Rich Boggiano absent.

Council President Sorry for Voting for Daughter’s Dispensary Butler & Baldwin

Watterman was among those voting for her daughter’s dispensary approval.

“I realized after casting my vote for Resolution 22-621 (Butler & Baldwin) that I had a conflict which should have compelled me to abstain on the matter,” Watterman said.

She said it was because “I was tired after having endured five hours of the emotionally charged environment of last night’s Council Meeting, and in my eagerness to conclude the meeting, I forgot that I had intended to abstain.

“I realize that my vote cannot be retracted. The vote was unanimous and that the vote that I cast was not decisive in the measure’s passage,” she added.

Watterman was sorrowful.

“I regret this error and pledge to be more mindful in the future,” she said.

Orduna said that he had indeed been scheduled to speak. But he was in the bathroom and missed his turn as the 137th scheduled speaker among 150.

He explained he became aware they were concerned he had no local resident as a partner. Thus, he quickly made a deal to transfer five percent ownership.

“The CCB’s Counsel reviewed the information and spoke to the council members, and they agreed it was no material change. It is a minor change that five percent transfer,” Orduna said.

CCB Counsel Ron Mondello declined to comment.

Jersey City Cannabis

Harmony Dispensary Foundation, a medical cannabis dispensary, will be allowed to change the roads around its Holland Tunnel location. Notably, Harmony’s Jersey City location hasn’t opened despite holding a festival there last year.

During the Public Comment Period, Sean McGarr, who noted he worked for the firm, spoke. He explained the need to change the roads around Harmony. He noted the difficulty reaching the place on foot.

Alexander Baumol also spoke about the value of changing the streets to make the neglected area more vibrant.


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